Business Insurance
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Business Insurance Coverage:
If you are in a Business or about to open a new business, you need insurance. There are several different insurances that are either required by law or good to have to protect the assets you have worked so hard to establish.

General Liability Insurance:
General liability insurance policies typically cover you and your company for claims involving bodily injuries and property damage. Claims resulting from your products, services or operations. It may also cover you if you are held liable for damages to your landlord's property.

Business Auto Insurance Policy:
Commercial auto insurance is a business insurance policy that applies to autos owned by or used in your business. This policy protects your business against liability for damages caused by accidents involving your business autos. And provides certain compensation to occupants of your business autos injured in accidents.

Workers Compensation Insurance:
Workers' compensation insurance provides medical and wage benefits to people who are injured or become ill at work. It will pay a portion of their missed paychecks and cover any medical expenses they racked up because of the incident.

Employment Practices Insurance:
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) includes coverage for defense costs and damages related to various employment-related claims. Some of the claims may include allegations of Wrongful Termination, Discrimination, Workplace Harassment and Retaliation.

Product Liability Insurance:
Product liability insurance protect you in the event that your business faces a lawsuit from the fallout that occurs in the event that a product causes injury or other damage.

Professional Liability Insurance:
Professional liability insurance or Error and Omission is a type of business insurance that provides coverage for professionals and businesses to protect them against claims of negligence from clients and customers.

Commercial Property Insurance:
Whether you own your business commercial property, rent it or even work from home. you need Commercial Property insurance. It protects your Building, Personal Property, fence and outdoor sign from fire, theft, vandalism and more.

Home Base Business Insurance:
Home based business owners also need protection from claims arising from liability, property damage and more. Some of the policies a home-based business need are General Liability and Property.